best thing ever
best thing ever
oh boy, sure can't wait for zabujard to make 50+ games and movies about this until the mods ban him!
i want to but im feeling like lazy or someghing lately : ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( maybe ever since i broke my mouseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
i suck at this lol
hell yea
најбоља игра икад рађен (ја сам хрват што зна ћирилицу лол)
I like the part where you shoot
it's an ok game,and also the goombas have to much hp + try making the hitbox (more specifically the one that kills you) shaped like the goomba,instead of like a square
kewl game
discord: roombaclock#6090
formerly known as kittykrewfan2006 and roloxguy23
you can add me to you're project,as long as you make it clear that i am just a distribuator
i need to start making crap again
Age 15
making shit
North korea
Joined on 5/7/22